GIFT Model School providing Quality Education to the Underprivileged Children.

GIFT Model School providing Quality Education to the Underprivileged Children.
Paralakhemundi: Today’s Children will be the Future Leaders of our Country. With an Aim to raise Global Leaders of Tommorow’s World, GIFT MODEL SCHOOL is providing free quality residential education from last eight years to underprivileged children, and to all children believing education is one of the top most powerful tools to change the world .
On the 8th Foundation and Annual Day Celebration, Paralakhemundi MLA K. Narayana Rao chaired the occasion as Chief Guest and encouraged the students to study hard to be a Front Runner of the Society. Chief Speaker Rev. Dr. Professor Rajpati Pani, Guest of Honour Sri Gobinda Gouda, Kasinagar, Inspector Incharge, Honourable Guest Smt G. Swarna Manjari were present on the stage as guests and encouraged the students to focus on their studies and participate in all the Cultural Activities.
The Honored Guestes awarded the prizes and certificate to the students, who won various competitions held on this occasion.
The Guests also presented the “Best Service Award” to all the staff who voluntarily worked for the development of the school children.
Various Patriotic and Cultural songs were present on this Occasion. The meeting was presided by Mr. David Pani and Mr. Seth Kumar and the program was concluded by Director Rev. Amodh Kumar Bardhan with a Vote of Thanks.