Barendra Kumar who is a consultant of ‘Global Live TV’ & Its flagship talk show titled ‘Power Time’ said, – “My Face is like a Wet Weekend & I’m sinking into a Slough of Despond after hearing the news apropos the Former Minister. Oscar Fernandes had eulogized my style of writting in my book ‘CAN:Is The Word Of Power’.”
Veteran Congress leader Oscar Fernandes, a devout Roman Catholic, had handled tricky negotiations with north-east rebels, considered a trusted aide of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Fernandes had served as the Union Minister for Transport, Road and Highways and Labour and Employment, in the first UPA government. He was also the Chairman of Central Election Authority of the All India Congress Committee. He was previously the AICC General Secretary.
He also served as Parliamentary Secretary to Rajiv Gandhi. He was elected to the 7th Lok Sabha in 1980 from Udupi constituency in Karnataka. A five-term Lok Sabha MP from Udupi in Karnatka, Fernandes was nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the Congress.
File Photos — Myself in an old interaction with Oscar Fernandes